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How Can A Compounding Pharmacy in Aurora Help With Sports Injuries?

If you play sports any sports, you must have experienced a sports injury. It could have been mild or severe. Many players experience severe injuries during their high school days or university days and end up giving up their dreams of playing professionally. It’s not like you’ll have mild injuries in school and severe injuries only when you become a professional. As a compounding pharmacy in Aurora, we want you to know: Common sports injuries that most people have experienced include sprains, dislocations, strains, fractures, swollen muscles, knee injuries, shin splints, rotator cuffs, and more.

Most of the injuries are of two types: acute or chronic. Predominantly, during sports, people suffer acute sports injuries. This happens when something unexpected happens, and your body is moved in a way it was not supposed to move. You feel a sharp pain, and there might be swelling and inflammation.

Common Reasons For Sports Injuries

There are various reasons for a sports injury. It could be due to inadequate training, lack of practice, sudden impact, accident, or insufficient warm-up and stretching. These reasons usually result in head injuries, fractured bones, dislocated joints, torn ligaments and tendons, and more.

You could say that joints are the most affected parts of the body, especially in sports, but other parts get hurt too. Here are some common sports injuries that happen on the court, the field, or the ring:


When we talk about contact sports, the most common injury that happens is a concussion. This is an injury where the brain is impacted due to violent shaking, collision, or blow to the head. It could affect cognitive functions or worse. Repeated injuries to the head could cause memory loss, long-term motor skills problems, and more.


When we talk about the shoulders, the most common issue is tearing of the rotator cuff or inflammation. But there could be other problems too. A player could suffer a frozen shoulder or a tear.


The most common issue that people have at the elbow is lateral epicondylitis or generally called tennis elbow. Another common elbow problem is medial epicondylitis, or what we know as a golfer’s elbow.


The most common problem when talking about the wrist is wrist fractures. These are the most common bones that sportspeople break. For example, a person might land from a fall and brace himself on his hand.


The most common spinal injury in athletes, as well as non-athletes, is lower-back muscle strains. Once they get hurt, it creates sharp and severe pain. It could also lead to further serious problems.

Hip and Groin

You must have heard about an athlete, a friend, or may have experienced groin strain yourself. It is a common hip pain. Most of the hip problems stem from a muscle strain.


The most common thigh problems include a strain, pull, or tear in the hamstring, quadriceps, and more. If a person is involved in high-speed activities like soccer, football, basketball, or more, they are more likely to pull a thigh muscle, tear a hamstring, or more. This injury occurs due to a muscle being stretched more than its limit.

Read More: Sports Injuries And Compounding: Accelerating Recovery With Tailored Medications

What Are the Symptoms of Sports Injuries?

The symptoms of a sports injury don’t need to come on quickly. They can also happen gradually. It could take a few hours or a few days even. Usually, when a sports player is hurt, they shake it off and carry on with their task, and that is another reason why the symptoms are harder and last longer.


The primary symptom of a sports injury is pain. This is how the body tells you that something is wrong. A person can experience different types of pain based on the type of injury. If the pain comes quickly and doesn’t go away, it is best to consult a sports physician. If the occurrence of pain is gradual, it might mean overuse injury. If the joint or the muscle feels a little tender, the athlete might carry on with it, trying to ignore it. But tenderness in any area of the body is an important symptom and should be immediately looked at.


If a part of the body is swelling, this means inflammation. This is how the body reacts to injuries. It is basically the start of the healing process that is initiated by the immune system. It causes a lot of discomfort to the person experiencing it.

There are a few types of swelling.

  • Effusion
  • Edema
  • Hematoma


Another symptom of a sports injury is stiffness. You can easily measure it by using that muscle and checking its range of motion. If the damage is in any limb, it will allow you to compare it to the other limb and find out the difference. The lower the range of motion, the more the severity of the injury.

If you see the following signs, it is advisable to see a doctor immediately:

  • Difficulty using the injured area
  • Inability to place weight on an extremity
  • Limited mobility of a joint
  • Deformity of the damaged area
  • Bleeding or skin injury
  • Signs of infection (fevers, chills, sweats)
  • Headache, dizziness, confusion, or loss of consciousness

What is the Treatment for Sports Injuries?

There are various methods of treating sports injuries. Some of them are:

  • Immobilization with a splint, cast, or brace
  • Medication for pain
  • Pain-relieving injections, such as a cortisone shot
  • Physical therapy
  • Surgery

How can Compounding in Aurora Help with Sports Injuries?

When you suffer a sports injury, your doctor will usually prescribe you multiple medications. Some of them would be for the injury, and some will be for the pain. There could be more medications based on the effects of the injury on the rest of the body. This creates several problems for the patient.

Firstly, keeping up with the medications could become a nightmare. You will have multiple medications that you have to take multiple times a day, and not everyone can remember them each and every time. Also, you might be allergic to some of the medications’ ingredients, which could create a compliance problem. Some people find it challenging to swallow oral medicines like pills and tablets. They would rather have a liquid or an injection.

compounding pharmacy in Aurora can help you with all these problems and more. A compounding pharmacist could combine two or more medications into one, so you won’t have to take multiple medicines simultaneously. This can enhance compliance, and you won’t have to miss any dose. That is not all. Compounding pharmacists can create different strengths and formulations for you based on your preference. They could lower or increase the dose according to your unique needs.

Another thing they can do is to create topical pain compounds for your injury. If you are taking multiple medications, it could mean drug interactions. When you have a cream or ointment for your pain, you can apply it directly to the target area, and it will not be absorbed into your system as much as a pill or a tablet.


Getting compounded medicines from a compounding pharmacy in Aurora for your sports injuries can benefit you in a lot of ways. It could increase compliance, lower drug interactions, and be in the strength that you require. A compounding pharmacist could also change the flavour for you.

Still, have some questions?

Contact us, and we would be glad to help you out.

Also Read: The Advantages Of Compounding Medications For Chronic Pain

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