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How Can A Compounding Pharmacy In Hamilton Help You With Female Orgasmic Disorder

Female Orgasmic Disorder is when a woman cannot have an orgasm consistently and repeatedly after she is sexually aroused and stimulated. More than 10% of women around the world suffer from this predicament. They could lead a normal life and then find out that their ability to reach orgasm has decreased or completely stopped.

The problem is that the exact reason for Female Orgasmic Disorder (FOD) is still unknown. It could happen due to stress, depression, problems with your partner, chronic diseases, or some medications. It could last for a short time or could take a long time. Most doctors prescribe a lifestyle change and therapy for FOD, but medications might help too.

Causes of Female Orgasmic Disorder

Like we mentioned earlier, the exact cause of this disorder is still unknown, but various factors affect a woman’s ability to have an orgasm. To be diagnosed with FOD, a woman must present with this problem for at least six months. Also, it should not be due to any other mental or physical problem. Some of the factors that result in FOD are:

  • Difficulties in a relationship
  • Having a partner who is undergoing an illness, has health problems, or has sexual difficulties
  • Past sexual abuse.
  • Low opinion of the body.
  • Anxiety and depression.
  • Medication, such as antidepressants and antipsychotics.
  • Chronic diseases.
  • Damage to the pelvic blood vessels.
  • Substance abuse

Types of Orgasmic Disorders

There are four types of orgasmic disorders that a woman might suffer from. First, there is primary anorgasmia. This is where the woman has never experienced an orgasm. Then there is secondary anorgasmia. This is where the woman has experienced orgasms before but cannot have an orgasm now. The third is situational anorgasmia, where the woman can only reach orgasm in specific situations and not all the time. The last is general anorgasmia, where the woman cannot reach orgasm no matter her arousal level.

Treatment for Female Orgasmic Disorder

There are a lot of treatments available for FOD. It depends on the type of FOD that you are suffering from. If you are suffering from FOD due to relationship problems, the doctor may prescribe couples therapy. You and your partner will visit a therapist and work out your problems. You will learn how to communicate with each other, listen better, and more.

It could also be because your sex life has become dull or hasn’t changed in quite a while. Again, for this reason, you should go to a therapist and work through your problems and discuss them with each other in front of a licensed expert. Some women are shy when it comes to talking about sexual techniques, and they might be having a problem discussing it with their partners.

If the problem is due to stress and anxiety, you could go for cognitive behavioral therapy. This can help you lessen your stress and put you in a better place than you were before.

The Truth About Orgasm/Anorgasmia

There are a lot of myths abound about having an orgasm or not having one. Most people think that an orgasm is a mind-shattering experience, and when it happens, you lose yourself in it. If we go to movies, we see that it is precisely their portrayal of an orgasm. But that is not the case. Some women do feel a contraction in their pelvic muscles, but others might also have a feeling of relaxation and contentment.

Also, around one-third of women actually reach orgasm during sexual intercourse. Some need additional stimulation, and some don’t. The myth that women need to have an orgasm to enjoy sex is just that; a myth. Many women are happy with the physical intimacy during sex and the feeling of warmth, closeness, and contentment.

How Can Compounding Help With Female Orgasmic Disorder?

There are no medications in the market that cater to FOD. If you want a cure, you will need to go to a compounding pharmacy. The compounding pharmacist can create several compounded medications that are personalized to your needs and requirements.


One option that a compounding pharmacist has is to use oxytocin. It is generally called the “love hormone.” Various studies have proclaimed that it is effective in multiple diseases and disorders. This includes uterine contractions, labor, lactation, and more. Studies have also reported that it is effective in compounded use. In one study, 30 pre and post-menopausal women were treated with intranasal oxytocin and placebo. The group that received the oxytocin reported an increase in their orgasm intensity and contentment as compared to the placebo group.


Another option that you have that you can discuss with your compounding pharmacist is DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone). A study quoted that if you use DEHA daily in the required dosage, it has a potent and effective result on all four types of anorgasmia.


For most types of anorgasmia, doctors might recommend a better lifestyle, therapy, and more. But if that doesn’t work, you can always contact your compounding pharmacy for a unique and tailored treatment.

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