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Your Guide in Aurora To Pet Supplements And Vitamins

Vitamins and supplements are nothing new to us. As a compound pharmacy in Aurora, we already know: Most of us take something or the other as a part of our daily diets. There used to be only a few options a few years ago, but now, thanks to technology and research, we have different formulations for different people. You have special supplements for kids, young adults, middle-aged adults, men, women, older people, and so on. They positively affect our lives and help fulfill the gaps that we have created due to stressful environments, binge eating, junk food, and more.

Just like we need our vitamins and supplements, the same is true for our pets. They benefit from supplements in diets that are not readily accessible for them. These vitamins and supplements are specially designed for pets. In fact, they are designed for a special type of pest. Some of the vitamins and supplements that you’ll find in the market will only be for dogs, and some will be for cats, so on and so forth. Many pet owners have stated excellent results after giving these supplements to their pets.

Does Your Pet Need Supplements in Aurora?

Just because something is available in the market doesn’t mean that it should be used. So, do your pets really need supplements in Aurora? That depends on the pet’s condition and environment. If you have a dog or a cat and they get the proper diet and exercise, you may not need to go for a multivitamin or a supplement. Just keep the diet balanced and make sure they get the appropriate training that they need. But, if that is not the case, if your pet hasn’t been getting the diet they deserve, then it might be time to go for an additional intake of certain ingredients. This means adding a supplement to your pet’s diet.

Just make sure that your pet is not already on a prescription diet. If that is the case, the food might already contain the ingredients that your pet needs, and you won’t need to add anything. It also might have an adverse reaction on your pet because it could end up in an overdose. If your pet is on a regular diet and has a deficiency, it would be good to add a supplement to their diet.

Types of Pet Supplements

Just like there are many supplements for humans, there are a plethora of supplements and multivitamins for pets. The latest trend is CBD products. They are trending in both human consumption as well as pets consumption. A survey was conducted on veterinarians, and it was found that almost half of them had been asked about CBD products for pets at least once.

But we won’t go into that. Instead, here are some of the most common vitamins that your pets might need or have been prescribed by veterinarians:

  • Vitamins A, C, D, E
  • Choline
  • Fish oil
  • Glucosamine
  • Prebiotics and Probiotics

Each of these has a different role to play in a pet’s life, and each has a specific function to perform. For example, if you want your dog to have a shinier coat, you can add Vitamin C to its diet. If you’re going to help them with their vision, add vitamin A. Vitamin D helps them break the sunlight and get the energy needed for bones and muscles. Choline enhances brain functions as well as liver functions.

Choosing the Right Supplements in Aurora

With so many supplements vitamins in the market, it becomes pretty tricky for pet owners in Aurora to distinguish between them and find out the one their pets need. Some supplements strengthen the joints, those that protect and condition the hair and the skin for improving digestion, and there are some for overall health and wellbeing.

The supplements that have been created solely for strengthening the joints usually carry the ingredients glucosamine and chondroitin. These two ingredients help in the treatment of arthritis in both humans and animals. If your pet has dry and flaky skin and a dry hair coat, you can go for supplements that include essential fatty acids. These increase the amount of moisture on the skin and hair and give them a nice and shiny look. Similarly, fish oil is used for skin and hair enhancements. If you want something with antioxidant properties, you could go for supplements that carry vitamin C and E. Both of them help reduce inflammation and even help in cognitive functions.

Then we have supplements that have probiotic and prebiotic formulas for animals. Probiotics and prebiotics are found in certain foods that humans eat, like yogurt and sauerkraut. These have live cultures and help keep the balance in our gut microbiome. They are suitable not only for digestion but also to help strengthen our immune systems. And the same is true for animals.

Can Supplements Be Harmful?

Too much of anything can be harmful. It doesn’t matter how beneficial or healthy that thing is. Some products might even have a toxic effect on your pets, depending on their species, breed, and food requirements. Make sure that you discuss any additional supplement or vitamin intake with your pet’s veterinarian before making up your mind.

Also, just because your neighbour’s dog has seen a significant improvement after taking a vitamin or supplement, it doesn’t mean that it will do the same for you. Different animals have different physical reactions to the foods and herbs they eat. There are even instances where you can use human-grade supplements for your pets. Still, again, that is only after a discussion with the veterinarian.

Another thing that you have to keep in mind is the dosage. You cannot use the same dosage on two animals that differ in size. If the animal is small, you will have to come up with a smaller dosage. And the dosage is not the same across brands. Some brands might have 1mg of an ingredient, and another might have more. This is where you can benefit from compounding pharmacies that can alter the dosage and even formulate a drug based on the human or the animal taking it and their requirements. You can ask your veterinarian for the correct dosage for your pet and then get that dosage made specifically for your pet’s unique needs.

What Are Compounded Vitamins and Supplements in Aurora?

Now we come to the most important part. We have already discussed that different pets need different dosages and formulations. But when you go to a pet store to purchase these supplements, you only see mass-produced drugs available in only set dosages. For example, you might want to buy an allergy medicine for your dog, but you will find the allergy medicine that says, “meant for large dogs over 75 pounds.” This means that the dog could be 75 pounds or 175 pounds, and it doesn’t make a difference. But we know that the dog’s weight is an essential factor, and it has to be considered. Apart from weight, a drug’s efficacy also depends on the pet’s metabolism, exercise, diet, breed, allergies, and many other factors.

A compounding pharmacy in Aurora can easily customize your pet’s vitamins and supplements with veterinary compounding. This means that you’ll get medications that are meant specifically for your pet. Also, if your pet has a problem swallowing pills, you can ask the compounding pharmacist to create liquid medications for them. This will help you and your pet, and you won’t have to resort to hiding the pills in sweets or peanut butter. You can rest assured that your pet is getting the exact dosage that it needs.

Last Word

Just make sure that you talk to your veterinarian before purchasing any health supplements for your dogs, cats, or any other pets for that matter. They have to be appropriate for your pets. Make sure that you are giving them the proper dosage and the formula is easy enough for them to take. Also, only purchase supplements and vitamins from authentic stores and websites.

For all your queries about veterinary compounding, contact us, and we will gladly help you out as a responsible compounding pharmacy in Aurora.

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