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How Can You Find Relief From Gum Pain in Toronto

Most of us believe that we don’t have to worry about anything else as long as our teeth are white and straight. But there is more to oral health than that. More and more people are reporting to their dentists with gum pain. Several issues affect gum pain, like lifestyle choices, eating habits, and more. But we want you to ask as a compounding pharmacy in Toronto what can you do if you have gum pain and want to relieve it? Here are some things you should do if you have gum pain.

See Your Dentist in Toronto

The first thing you should do in such a situation is to see your dentist. There could be various reasons for your gum pain, and you should get to the bottom of it before trying something. If you are already taking medication, you could ask your dentist in Toronto about compounding medication. A compounding pharmacist could mix ingredients so you won’t have to take many pills during your day. A compounding pharmacist could also change the dosage of your medication and change the formulation.

Essential Oils

Many medical products on the market contain essential oils for a good reason. Essential oils are known for their benefits in improving blood circulation, decreasing inflammation in the body and reducing pain. You can create your own pain-relieving medication by mixing water and essential oils together to reduce gum pain. For instant pain relief, pour your mixture into a clean spray bottle and spray the inflamed area with it. You can also rinse with it.

Rinsing With Salt Water

Add a tablespoon of salt to a cup of warm water and stir well to mix. Pour the mixture into a glass and enjoy! If you are experiencing swelling in your face, you can gargle the saltwater solution in your mouth and spit it out when you are done. As is well known, salt contains different properties that help to remove the bacteria living on your gums and make your gums swell. By washing with saltwater, you can create an alkaline environment in your mouth, discouraging bacteria from growing. As a result, the PH balance in your mouth will increase. The mouth becomes less inflamed when you neutralize the mouth of harmful bacteria, so your mouth becomes less acidic.

Hot Or Cold Compresses

If you want to use a hot compress, soak a clean cloth into water that has been warmed to a palatable temperature, then squeeze out the excess water. To reduce the pain in your gums, gently press a warm, damp cloth in the area closest to where you feel the pain. You can apply a cold compress to the area closest to the area of gum pain by wrapping a clean cloth in an ice pack.

There is no need to directly apply the hot or cold compress to your gums while using these methods to alleviate your gum pain.


Especially useful in treating gum problems are teabags that contain anti-inflammatory properties like ginger chamomile, or those with astringent tannins like green tea, hibiscus tea, or perhaps black tea full of astringent tannins. Anti-inflammatory properties of the tannins will help soothe the gums as well as absorb anything irritating the gums.

Over-The-Counter (OTC) Medication in Toronto

Although it is not advisable, you could use OTC products in Toronto to relieve the pain in your gums. There are various treatments available in the market that offer fast-healing, relief from inflammation, and soreness in the gums. Just make sure that they don’t contain any ingredients that you are allergic to.


This is definitely not an exhaustive list of gum pain relief remedies. There are others too, but these are the most common ones. If the pain still persists, we suggest going to your doctor. For more information about compounding medications, you can always pick up your phone and talk to us and we will help you out. You can get customized medication that a compounding pharmacy in Toronto specializes in creating and that is just right for you and provides effective healing and fewer side effects.

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